Bamboo vs Cotton

Bamboo vs Cotton

Bamboo vs Cotton

Cotton has been a go-to fabric for a lot of people for a long period of time. We all use cotton for clothes, bed and bath linen etc. being completely unaware of the fact that there is an even better and eco-friendly soft fabric ~ Bamboo.

Why is It a better choice than Cotton?

1) Little to No Crop Losses

  • It does not need any fertilizers to grow while on the other hand Cotton requires ⅓ pounds of fertilizers per pound to grow
  • While using fertilizers Cotton results in crop wastage while on the other hand bamboo does not cause any crop loss because of the lack of use of fertilizers

2) Bamboo Uses Lesser Water Than Cotton

  • It can grow with ⅓ amount of water that is required to grow Cotton
  • It is a type of crop that needs literally no irrigation which is more convenient for the environment and the farmers unlike Cotton

3) Bamboo Does Not Need Replanting

  • It rarely if ever needs replanting, Bamboo is a miracle plant which sprouts on it’s own
  • 1 acre of it for this reason can grow 10 times more than Cotton
  • Cotton on the other hand needs re-planting each year which is a very tedious, lengthy and expensive process

4) It is Stronger Than Cotton

  • Whether you’re talking about apparels or home accessories it will always outlast Cotton in strength and durability at least 3x times
  • it is a type of fabric that also requires less washing than Cotton, that means you won’t have to stress about washing it frequently, therefore lesser wear and tear = long lasting

5) It is More Absorbent then Cotton.

  • Did you know? It absorbs moisture 3x times more than Cotton keeping you cooler in summers and warmer in winters
  • Once made into fabric, It can also get rid of the moisture on your body quicker

These are only some of the facts why Bamboo is better than Cotton. Make the change, live the Sustainable Lifestyle, shop our Bamboo collection now!